Project Euler 解答

Project Euler Problem 088

Project Euler Problem 088

import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow import Data.Ord import Data.Char import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.List import Data.Array import Data.Array.ST import Data.Maybe import Debug.Trace import System.IO.Unsafe ------------------ 003より primes :: [Integer] primes = 2 : ([3,5..] `minus` join [[p*p, p*p+2*p..] | p <- primes']) where primes' = 3 : ([5,7..] `minus` join [[p*p, p*p+2*p..] | p <- primes']) join ((x:xs):t) = x : union xs (join (pairs t)) pairs ((x:xs):ys:t) = (x : union xs ys) : pairs t union (x:xs) (y:ys) = case (compare x y) of LT -> x : union xs (y:ys) EQ -> x : union xs ys GT -> y : union (x:xs) ys union xs [] = xs union [] ys = ys minus (x:xs) (y:ys) = case (compare x y) of LT -> x : minus xs (y:ys) EQ -> minus xs ys GT -> minus (x:xs) ys minus xs _ = xs --必要に応じてgroupする factor :: Integer -> [Integer] factor n = factorimpl n primes where factorimpl n pri@(p:xs) = if p*p>n then [n] else if n`rem` p == 0 then p:factorimpl (n `quot` p) pri else factorimpl n xs -- haskell.orgより facts :: [Integer] -> [[Integer]] facts = concat . takeWhile valid . iterate facts' . (:[]) where valid xs = length (head xs) > 1 facts' = nub' . concatMap factsnext nub' = S.toList . S.fromList factsnext xs = let factsnext' [] = [] factsnext' (y:ys) = map (form y) ys ++ factsnext' ys form a b = a*b : (delete b . delete a $ xs) in map sort . factsnext' $ xs -- 第二種スターリング数 st2 :: Eq a => [a] -> Int -> [[[a]]] st2 l 1 = [[l]] st2 l n | n==length l = [map ((:[])) l] st2 (x:xs) n = concatMap f next ++ (map ([x]:) (st2 xs (n-1))) -- 一つの群[x]にして既存の組に追加 where next = st2 xs n f l = map g l where -- この2行をかくのにすごい苦労した。初回以上に g ll = ((x:ll):(delete ll l)) -- ベル数 bells :: Eq a => [a] -> [[[a]]] bells l = concatMap (st2 l) [1..(length l)] bellgen :: Integer -> [[Integer]] bellgen n = filter ((>1).length) $ nub $ map (sort.(map product)) $ bells $ factor n klist :: Integer -> [Integer] klist n = nub $ map (\x ->n - (sum x) + (fromIntegral $ length x)) filtered where filtered = filter ((<=n).sum) $ bellgen n an :: Num b => Integer -> [b] an to = map snd $ filter ((<=to).fst) $ animp to animp :: Num a => Integer -> [(Integer, a)] animp to = M.toList $ last $ unfoldr f (1,2,M.empty,map klist [2..]) where f (n,v,acc,[]) = Nothing f (n,v,acc,(x:xs))| n >= to = Just (acc,(n,v,acc,[])) f (n,v,acc,([]:ys)) = Just (acc,(n,v+1,acc,ys)) f (n,v,acc,((x:xs):ys)) = if (not $ M.member x acc) && (x<=to) then f (n+1,v,(M.insert x v acc),xs:ys) else f (n,v,acc,(xs:ys)) ans1 :: Integer ans1 = sum $ S.toList $ S.fromList $ an 12000 -- nubしている -- 7587457 main :: IO () main = print ans1

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